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Super Natural God

ok prolly like a week and a half ago i noticed i was getting some athletes foot, kinda nasty but its always so hot so our feet end up sweating a lot.anyways i didnt know if i could get meds so I … Read more about Super Natural God

Time Flies

  I must be having fun because this week flew by. Part of me feels like I am still just got here and another part of me feels like I've never lived anywhere else. One of the coolest … Read more about Time Flies


   My mother made a comment about me swimming where there could have been snakes, bugs, or weird fish and how I have changed.  Mom you probably won't like this post much, but I … Read more about Ecclesiastes


This is Matagalpa.  Joe, Baker, and I had a chance to travel with a basketball team up there for a two day tournament with Young Life.  We did alright, Joe is good at bball, but it is just … Read more about Matagalpa

Life Down South

  Ok so this is our house for the 6 guys we have.  I know this pic doesnt really show much at all but sorry maybe you can try to imagine it our something-haha just kidding I'll try to get … Read more about Life Down South

Training Camp

  I guess I will start off just telling you what we did for camp. We had probably about 100 students at camp separated into their different teams according to what country they were going … Read more about Training Camp

Had A Bad Day?

My facebook status this past week has been-Caleb Spitler stopped believing in bad days. This reflects one thing God has been teaching me.     The story of Joseph which can be … Read more about Had A Bad Day?