
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

God is so good all the time!!  Our prayer house has started, I just looked at the list af people who have signed up, and we have have well over 100 hours of prayer offered up to God in that place.  It is really amazing, we are working on a video so hopefully we can put it up soon, and you all can see how it really works.  Most people come and pray for about and hour and rotate out.  Some days more people come than others, but its usually about 10 hours a day.  We are talking with other churches about getting involved, and we are hoping to put a roof on the building starting next week.
I also do a kids ministry in a really bad part of town.  I was leading some kids in prayer, and I had them lay a hand on the person to there right and pray for them, we were sitting in a circle, and these were really little kids like 8-10 year olds.  Some of them were to nervous to pray in public like that, but some did pray for one another, and it was really beautiful.  From me laying a hand on a kid and praying, them laying hand and praying for each other, and when the circle cam around the last kid put a hand on me and prayed for me.  Then we do real worship songs, and the kids really praised GOD!!!
God is so good!

7 responses to “Dios es Bueno”

  1. I was just thinking yesterday that we haven’t heard from you and here you are! Love to see your picture and the news is very fun. We continue to pray for you…Love Kathy and Steve

  2. I loved the prayer circle story…God surely loves to hear the prayers of those kiddos and their worship is so pure…Praise God!

  3. Hey Callie

    How fun and how sweat to picture little ones praying w/ and for each other and then for U !! Nothing like the sweat prayers of Ur students, from their hearts to God’s – amazing holy moments for sure … the innocents of children is an amazing thing –

    love ya buddy – and can’t wait to see that video when U get the chance

    Love ya

  4. I’m praising God with you, Caleb! Our church intercessors are praying for you & for the 24/7/365 prayer too, (I’ve shared some of your stories.)
    Isn’t the faith of children great! What a way for them to learnby your example! That’s how Jesus taught his disciples.
    Love, Aunt Becky

  5. Caleb,

    …teaching the children how to pray in public, and not just one they memorized in church, is the beginning of them realizing that they have direct access to God…that is the first step in a personal relationship with God…