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We were on this Island for a week.  We stayed at this orphanage, and I pretty much fell in love with the kids there.  I held the younger kids and plaved soccer with the older kids.  We watched the sun set over the lake every night, one night I watched it in a hamock with a little kid, and another night i watched it as we played soccer on the court.  The food was good, we usually had power and water, and everthying was gorgeous!  We climbed up this volcano ( ill try to get pics up later)-it took five hours to get to the lake at the top-something got into Joe and I and we sprinted down the volcano as fast as we could-we were racing these tour guides.  For like the last three hours hiking to the top the clouds turned the trail into all out mud and slush-there were vines everywhere and rocks, and it was pretty steep-to where you had to climb a little in some places.  When Joe and I started coming down we were stuck behind the group for about a half hour, but once we passed everyone we just took off in a mad dash.  The young tour guides were behind us the whole way shouting and chasing us.  Joes started calling them Ninas (little girls) which made them chase even faster.  We would like run and slide down on the mud trying to keep our balance until we slid into a tree or could grab a vine-I fell numerous times, not caring about anything besides beating the tour guides.  It was cold and we were in a cloud and covered in mud.  Any places we climbed up a little Joe and I just jumped in stride, sometimes falling but hitting the ground running.  I wish we had a video, cuz it was so slippery it was nearly impossible to walk down without falling-and Joe and I were running as fast as we could.  It was such an adrenaline rushing thinking ahead to were we were going to put our next step our jumping over rocks, or catching our foot under a root.  Honestly a miracle we didn’t get hurt.  Mom Im sorry but it was not safe at all, and one of the most fun times of my life.  As we got lower down the mountain the path got more firm and we just kept going faster.  We beat the tour guides to this beautiful clearing, and decided as much as we wanted to sprint on we had to take in the view.  So the tour guides met up with us and we took pics and videos with them and just sat there for close to a half hour.  We asked them if they were ready and they were too tired but Joe and I wanted to keep going.  The path was pretty much hard by then so intead of running but kinda putting the breaks on I just let my legs go.  I was sprinting straight down a volcano, trying to keep from falling forward my legs were going so fast.  The only way i ended up slowing down was grabing a vine.  Joe and I ran all the way back tho and it was seriously so much fun!!  We got back in exactly 2 hours from when we left the top.  Without our breaks Joe and I think we could have turned it into and hour.  So then we showered off the mud, enjoyed a soda and layed in hamocks for the remaining three hours for others to get back.  We were just thanking God he made us boys.  I love being a boy.
I leave tomorrow morning at 10. and come into O hare at 6ish.  Pray against delays-Ill prolly stay in Chicago that night-my cell should be working!! see you all soon!!!

21 responses to “I fly in tomorrow (friday) at six”

  1. Caleb,

    I love you!

    You now have been officially adopted into the Carter family of wild and crazy boys. We ALWAYS and FOREVER race down every single mountain we climb at total all out over the top and back again no-holds-barred every man for himself nobody leaves the ring death match 2008 break neck speed!


    the last mountain we climbed this past summer in Vermont…

    much to my surprise…

    Joe hung back and walked down with his dear old Momsie. Josh and I raced to the bottom, knocking people out of the way all the way down. Joe was very Nina-like!

    In Austria Joe did make up for it when we ran down this Austrian Alp and people all the way were trying to make us slow down in seven different languages. We gave no heed in typical Carter fashion in our mad dash to the bottom.

    Listen, Caleb, have a safe trip home and a fantastic Christmas holiday with your “other” family. I say “other” because you’re one of mine now!

    Joe’s Dad
    Caleb’s Too.

  2. Caleb!! well hello…how are you? getting excited to come home yet? i bet you will enjoy the stinking cold weather! hehe…idk about wisconsin but in nebraska it has been in single digits like all week. I went on a walk yesterday and it was only 13 degrees…i thought it was nice out! =P anywho I’ve been thinking about everyone and missing you all! its taken some time getting used to life at home again but God is faithful and I know that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. He works in mysterious ways eh? =) I can’t wait to hear from you! I’ll be praying for everyone’s flights!! If i dont hear from you before then Happy Christmas!
    God bless you.

    I am so excited for you to come back! I’m really looking forward to spending some time with you… I want to hear everything that you have in you to tell – Until we pass out from exhaustion!! 🙂
    I love you, buddy!

  4. WOW….what a blast! I’m glad you are a boy too! A really awesome one at that!

    Hope to see you while you are home!

  5. Caleb, I look forward to the next update. Happy Birthday young man. I hope that you have a great day and eat lots of birthday cake. I pray for you all the time.

    Love you lots. the DAd

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my son! I hope your day is filled with fun, some good other-than-rice-but-not-lizard food, and blessings from God! I am so very grateful to God that He created you and brought you into our lives. You are a joy and blessing, and I am proud to call you “son”.

    Here are some encouraging words for you from I Corinthians 1:

    “Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
    I always thank God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way—in all your speaking and in all your knowledge— because our testimony about Christ was confirmed in you. Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.”

    Much love, the mom


    I hope you have a wonderful birthday and I imagine that you will. You have always been able to make even “ordinary” days special and exciting. It will certainly be one to remember. I doubt if you will be spending any more in Nica.

    I have so enjoyed reading your blogs. It amazes me to see your growth in Christ and constant deepening in your level of thinking and faith. You make this aunt VERY proud of you. I just wonder what God has planned for your future – Jeremiah 29:11. I have always felt that you could do just about anything you wanted and with God’s help – who knows. We may all be saying, “I knew him when…”

    I love you, think of you often, brag about you a lot, pray that you grow in Christ and that your missionary work be a blessing unto God, and look forward to your updates. Keep them coming!

    Try hard not to injure yourself in your remaining months in Nica, please, but do live life to its fullest (as if you knew any other way!). Be safe and keep your mom and dad happy! Just in case, you and your dad are on our prayer list at church. Much love and Happy Birthday.
    Aunt Myrna

  8. Happy Birthday Caleb! We hope you have a great day!

    Ben, Makila, Seth, Danielle & Lydia

  9. Happy Birthday Caleb! We hope you have a great day!

    Ben, Makila, Seth, Danielle & Lydia

  10. Hey Caleb, We can’t believe you are so old! We remember giving you a Tonka Truck for your first birthday, we’re old too! We pray for you and hope that you are doing well. Happy Happy Birthday… something fun! Love Kathy andn Steve

  11. We just wanted to welcome you to the twenties, even though we passed them awhile back, it was a time of great spiritual growth for both Anne and I (all good). We bless you and praise our God in Christ for his call to you and your response to HIS call. Joyous birthday blessings from the Soenksen household. Forever Seeking HIM, Paul.

    Eph. 1.3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with EVERY spiritual blessing in Christ.

  12. Hey Caleb!!! Happy Birthday from Canada!!! Too bad we didn’t get to see you when we were in the states. Sounds like you are having a wonderful adventure. We hope you are having just the greatest birthday ever. We keep praying for you. God bless you Caleb. With love, Bob and Sue Mueller

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We hope your day is as wonderful as you are! – can’t believe you are 20 but then I can’t believe Austin will be 18 tomorrow either so guess it’s just one reality check after another for those of us that saw the back side of 20 a very long time ago! 🙂 I hope you had a great time when you were home – sorry we missed seeing you but we think of you often and pray that you are doing well, staying healthy, having a fantastic time , and continue to learn new things about yourself and the world around you everyday. Happy 20th Caleb! Love, Deb, Cody and Austin

  14. You look like you have no legs in the jumping picture!!

    You are NOT 20! There is no way this is possible!

    Happy Birthday…. celebrating so far from home…..

    We love you and sorry we missed seeing you on the treck out of town. Glad everything worked out, however.

    Hope you are having an excellent day!


    Carol (for all of us)

  15. Forgot…. it was 20 below here in Chicago today… actual temp! I was thinking that it must be strange celebrating in such a different climate when you are used to being COLD on your birthday…. kind of funny….

    Carol (again)

  16. HAPPY BIRTHDAY CALEB!!!!!!!!! I’m so glad you were born. What a gift to the entire world!!!

    Hey remember that one year you wanted to celebrate your birthday with me…we got a packer cake and you knew I liked the cowboys so in one of the corners you put the cowboys on it for me.

    You were a sweet little shaver..and you grew up to be a sweet man!

    Birthday hugs…Deb

  17. Greetings from Ohio!! HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! it’s been a busy day here and had a long phone call from someone who needed to talk. BUT I couldn’t let the day go by without telling you we think you are a wonderfu; gramdson, and that we are very proud of you and your open heart to God, His Word, and serving Him. And at the same time, still a lot of fun. I love reading your bloggs and appreciate the opportunity to “hear” all that’s happening in your life and heart!

    I don’t know if you received the card we sent, but this is kind of like one.:-)

    We love you lots, and pray for you, as you know.
    Grandma & Grandpa.

  18. Greetings from Ohio!! HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY !! it’s been a busy day here and had a long phone call from someone who needed to talk. BUT I couldn’t let the day go by without telling you we think you are a wonderfu; gramdson, and that we are very proud of you and your open heart to God, His Word, and serving Him. And at the same time, still a lot of fun. I love reading your bloggs and appreciate the opportunity to “hear” all that’s happening in your life and heart!

    I don’t know if you received the card we sent, but this is kind of like one.:-)

    We love you lots, and pray for you, as you know.
    Grandma & Grandpa.

  19. Hi Caleb,

    HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY! I hope you have a fun filled day! Hope you enjoyed your visit here at home. I will continue to pray for good health, that the Lord will use you in such powerful ways and that this trip would be life changing (and fun) for you!!

    In God’s Hands
    Aunt Diane

  20. Caleb,
    God bless you buddy! Happy Birthday! Thanks for following His call on your life.

    You are continually in our prayers.

    Mandy, Jon and boys