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Thoughts & Inspiration

Alright so I’ll start this update off by saying praise God!!!!!  He is so incredible and brought me in his grip thus far in this new chapter of my life.  I know I have told many of you about this blog site so if you are checking up on me, thank you very much, and I hope all is well with you!
   So the biggest event of my recent life would be my brother getting married this past weekend, the 9th!!!!!  Yes I am the driver not the one up by the bride:)  Is was so amazing God has blessed them with so much, I couldn’t be happier for them and the wedding day itself was just a blast!!!
   As far as support goes I have 3,700 dollars in my account right now!  Wow praise God again!  I wasn’t looking forward to raising support, but just watching God work in other people and seeing the body of Christ rise up to support me has been soooo encouraging!!!!  Thank you to everyone who has helped financialy and prayerfully.
   I originally was telling everyone that I was going to Peru, but it seems as though I will be staying in Nicaraugua the whole time.  No worries though, God knows what he is doing!!!  I know many of you have asked about some more details as to what we will be doing.  If you go to the main page for everyone and click on learn about the awakening, that might help, but to tell you honestly I hardly know what I will be doing.  I think working at orphanages, prisons, building chruches, and evangelism are some things we will be doing, but for the most part I’m just jumping where God tells me to, and trusting him to catch me!  Once I am there though, I will let you know what exactly we’re doing.
   Some of you may be some what surprised at my descision to leave the country for nine months, especially when I’ve never left the country before.  I would like to take that opportunity to shine the glory on the one I go to serve!  God is so good, he has drawn me to himself and loved me so much, I want to be where he wants me to be.  One thing God has been teaching me, and I mean literally God teaching me, is how to love him first.  God cares about our actions, but even more importantly he cares about our hearts.  Being raised in a christian home the christian lifestyle became who a part of me.  Yes I have been outwordly obedient to God, but more as a sense of duty or fear or just trying to follow the rules.  God is teaching me to love him so much that I just want to serve him!!  If your checking this blog out and care about me, but aren’t sure about this God I’m am talking about, let me tell you he is a God of love!!!  I remember reading my bible every day so I could say I did or to check it off the list of things christians do, but as I discover the love he has shown me and the love I can have for him, I do those things because I want to.  God wasn’t impressed with me checking off boxes of things I did, he is interested in having a personal relationship with us!!!!  He is interested in our hearts.
   So yeah thats pretty much my life these days!  YES I’m am so excited to go on this trip, I can hardly wait to serve people, get my hands dirty, and fellowship with people who love God, and be taught by people who are more matture, and personally continue to love God in a deeper way!!!! Whoooohoooo!!!!  If you got any questions or comments It would be great to here from you! Praise God!!!
-Caleb Spitler

2 responses to “Just a little update on my life.”

  1. Caleb,
    Thanks for giving an update… it is so great to hear what God is doing in your heart. I can really relate to what you said about having a Christian “to do” list. I think so often I have selfish or prideful motives for things, but praise God, He is working in spite of my sin! I am learning that when I am pursuing Him, He provides the desire to know Him and do His will… amazing!
    I’m still praying all the time for you.

  2. I love what you said: God is teaching me to love him so much that I just want to serve him!! Serving him is just the ultimate honor and priveledge I have ever had in my life. Life runs so smoothly when we are doing HIS will instead of my own.

    Reading His word as grown such an amaizing desire to be with him. It amazes me that HE desires fellowship with me. A mighty God, the Father God the King of Kings and Lord of Lords wants to spend time with little ole me. And the more time I spend with Him the more I hunger and thirst for Him and the time we spend together. And to hear His voice through His word is such an amazing honor. Thank YOU Caleb for hearing God’s voice and for your obedience to Him. You will be blessed…why, cuz HE says so!