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Thoughts & Inspiration

  Ok so this is our house for the 6 guys we have.  I know this pic doesnt really show much at all but sorry maybe you can try to imagine it our something-haha just kidding I’ll try to get some pics of the inside.
WELL…. I’m pretty much doing life here now! I still miss everyone, but this is kinda my home now.  I don’t know its not really a missions trip.  It’s more like life in another country, with the main goal to serve Christ…which is pretty much how life should always be anyways…so it’s funny I had to come all the way to Nicaragua to figure that out but im glad God finally got through to me.  For example I’m sitting in an internet cafe right now, but like five min ago my amigo Joe, started talking with some guy, and we ended up praying for his leg because he was shot there.  Like two min ago another guy we have talked to on and off came in and we talked to him about coming to our bible studies and stuff.
   God is teaching me it works so much better when we wait and ask him to bring us the opportunities.  We do intentional ministries, such as teaching english at an orphange, going to bible studies, going to rehab centers, and serving at the church, which has been great, but I have seen some of the best fruit come from just going through life, but being sensitive to God working around us.  He works we are just the tools.  At the same time he has chosen to give us righteousness, authority, and power.  This country is oppressed by darkness, but by the power of the name of Jesus Christ, we can be men and women of dominion and take back land for his kingdom.  Please pray for truth for a country deceived by the evil one.  Truth that God is loving and caring and wants to be with them. 
   One cool story ( there are many) that I will throw in here is about an ATL we did recently.  ATL stands for ask the Lord.  It really stretches us because we just get in smaller groups and pray that God will tell us what to do for the next few hours.  This is not as easy as it sounds.  I often have thoughts like…  “Was that my voice or God’s?  I’m not hearing anything.  Wait God you want me to do what?  What if I do this or go there and it fails?  That will sound or look foolish to everyone else.:”  But you should def try it because time and time again God comes through.
   This last ATL I kinda had a picture of JD preaching in the town square.  I figured this was becasue I was reading about Paul in the bible and that it was he always did.  Anyways I told the team, but we all kind of laughed because no one really does that, and would we just start preaching or what.  We mostly forgot about it, but after some different events we ended up in the town square and bought lunch for an old man.  Another man sitting next to the old man saw JD’s bible and asked us what religion we were.  As JD started talking about it some other people started to stand around and listen.  To make a long story short JD shared the gospel, said works can’t get you to heaven (which is not a popular thing to say down here) and was straight up preaching in spanish out of the bible.  We were just sitting on the ground with the bible open with like 15 or more people around us.  We ended up praying for a ladies daughter afterwards too.     
   God totally wants to talk to us.  All we have to do is listen.  It is harder then it sounds, but we have the bible which we will can always know what is right to do, and we have the Holy Spirit which will guide us by showing us when and where to do it.  Give it a try.  Even if you think you hear something that seems really goofy, God could just be seeing how much faith you have in him.  I’m not saying don’t discern things, but God definetly works in ways that I don’t understand and we have to step out in faith!
      Alright well im going to go post another blog.  Make some comments on how you guys are doing and how I can pray for you!!  Hows life in the States???  

10 responses to “Life Down South”

  1. Hi Caleb! I really appreciate your posts. Yesterday (Sunday), Jon & Mandy Prince were at church and Jon spoke in a very similar vein as to what you just said. He said much more ministry happens when you just do life and listen to & obey God; right where you are, first! He told a story of a woman they met who was very upset because she hadn’t heard from her son in 2 years & didn’t know if he was OK or not. They all just prayed for her & asked God to comfort her& take the pain from her. They left , and after tending to other things, they came back around the block & this woman came running up to them and told them that right after they prayed she went in the house and her son called!! 😀 Loving God and loving people the way God loves, & showing them that love RIGHT NOW is to obey the greatest commandment. Hope this encourages you!! Your post did that for me! Love, Boonie

  2. Hi Caleb! I really appreciate your posts. Yesterday (Sunday), Jon & Mandy Prince were at church and Jon spoke in a very similar vein as to what you just said. He said much more ministry happens when you just do life and listen to & obey God; right where you are, first! He told a story of a woman they met who was very upset because she hadn’t heard from her son in 2 years & didn’t know if he was OK or not. They all just prayed for her & asked God to comfort her& take the pain from her. They left , and after tending to other things, they came back around the block & this woman came running up to them and told them that right after they prayed she went in the house and her son called!! 😀 Loving God and loving people the way God loves, & showing them that love RIGHT NOW is to obey the greatest commandment. Hope this encourages you!! Your post did that for me! Love, Bonnie

  3. HI! Thanks for posting!! I kinda thought you only had internet on the weekends, so this is a wonderful surprise! It’s great to hear about what you are doing & how God is working. Thanks for the stories.

    So were you one of the guys gone to the basketball tourny over the weekend? How did that go?

    I sent you an email about life here & will prob send another one soon.

    Much love..many prayers!

  4. That is awesome bro…that really talked to me too, on how everyday life is just an awesome opportunity to serve god. I am going to try to start doing that. Glad to hear you are doing good, I have been praying for you and I miss you bud. You wanted to know how football is doing so I will tell you. We are 5 and 1. Our team is really coming together. Defensively our starters have only given up 14 points all year, so thats good. Offensively we have put up around 40 points a game so we are playing well. I have done pretty decent too. In conference I am 15 for 16 and about 350 yards passing with maybe 5 tds. rushing is pretty good too. Well ya, so i will be praying for you bro, keep in touch and let me know how you are doin. Love you man Jared Abbrederis

  5. Awesome way to live life, isn’t it? I never imagined taking a risk like asking God to direct my impulses and then going with it before I attended the Vineyard. They do this sort of thing all the timewell, many of them hook up together at specific times to minister in this way. It truly is frontline warfare for the kingdom of God invade the devil’s strongholds. Since I’ve choosen to live my life every day with the plea and expectation that God will give me thoughts about what I can do for Him with everyone I meet in my life, I’ve had amazing opportunities to pray for people, i.e., there have been specific things that I have prayed about with nearly all of my students, I mean, really WITH them, not just praying later about themand they’ve recieved Christ or come closer to God. (Not with of my 2 little Muslim girls yet, though.) Students have even called my business and just said that out of all the tutors in the phone book, they felt drawn to call me. I choose to believe that it’s not just the ad. But, there are too many stories to share here, but I wanted you to know it’s possible to live “ordinary, everyday” life that waypeople are doing it all over the world.
    All of your posts are great to read!!!
    Aunt Becky

  6. Caleb,
    man…this update blessed me so much!
    So much of what I’ve been reading lately has focused on relationship…how I need to eagerly, longingly, desiringly approach God and respond to Him. I love the ATL approach…it’s design is intentional in creating the time to listen to/for God and not just tick off our list of what we want Him to do for us and then go on our merry way. That’s so awesome.
    Continuing to pray for you and bugs…love ya, Lois

  7. HI Caleb. Greetings from Canada. I am enjoying your updates. It sounds like you are having an incredible experience there. It’s neat to hear about all you are learning…encouraging too, as you share it with us. We are praying for you and your group and the people where you live. May God richly bless you as you serve Him there. With love, Sue Mueller, Bob and Bonnie too

  8. Yes amazing things do happen when we sit back and ask God what HE wants us to do with our day and our time. I like the part where you say that you might hear something rather goofy…has happened to me and I know exactly what you mean..but out of obedience you arrive and HE USES US! The whole idea may have left you wondering WHY am i doing this and it turns out HE KNOWS!!! It is so amazing to be part of God’s will and watch the miracles He will do, and we get an up close and personal seat …sweet heh.

    I’m proud of you Caleb!

  9. Caleb,
    What a blessing to read all these updates from you. I just read in one of my many books today we need to see with our spiritual eyes as well there are many needs out in this world. We have a great opportunity to minister to many in Wautoma as well as you. We all need to go out & do the great commission where ever we are in what ever he is calling us to do. Please Pray for Naomi House. And how God will use my testimony for his glory….Please pray for the spiritual warfare in my house with my son. The enemy wants to destroy him with lies that he is the evil one. We know he is not, Jesus does have the victory over it all. His faith is really starting to come alive, I just need to stay out of the way. Thanks for all your encouragement. I love to hear your stories too.

    All for His glory, Virginia

  10. Thats an exciting and challenging blog. Thanks for sharing that. I have seen the same thing happen, how God just makes things happen apart from any initiative of our own, all we have to do is respond to Christ. Caleb, I am so excited for you; to be a tool in God’s hand. It is apparent that God is not only doing great things through you, but he is also doing a great work in you. He could use anybody, He has chosen to use you which God will use to grow and shape you. Praise God!! Dude, I love you brother. Continue in His grace.