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This is Matagalpa.  Joe, Baker, and I had a chance to travel with a basketball team up there for a two day tournament with Young Life.  We did alright, Joe is good at bball, but it is just mostly for building relationships.  It was actually cold up in the mountains and the camp we stayed in was like in the jungle.  It was rainy and cold because we were usually like in clouds, but after our last game we jumped in this lake in the jungle and it was really cold, but it felt sooooo good compared to granada.  It was so beautiful there.

3 responses to “Matagalpa”

  1. wow! these pictures are awesome! i bet you are just in love with the views of the mountains. i’m a little jealous. i bet you also see the stars really well too. that is something i really miss, since i’ve gotten to school.

    well i gotta get ready for classes but i’m thinking and praying for you daily. I know God is doing great things in you. Keep loving Jesus with all your heart! 🙂

  2. I’m trying to picture you jumping into a lake…no problem there. But when you add the “in the jungle” line, considering all the unknown occupants of such a lake…hmmm, the picture gets blurry.

    Can I just say you’ve changed a lot in 4 weeks??!!