
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

  Hey everybody!!
Whats up? My name is Caleb Spitler, I’m 19 and from a small Wisconsin town called Wautoma.  Yea yea! haha.  By grace I’ve come to know, love, and be saved by Jesus Christ!!!!  God is moving in such noticible ways, I am constantly blown a way by what he is doing in the lives of people around the world, and myself.  I don’t know why God blessed me with a strong Christian upbringing and priveleged me to be taught by the Word my whole life, but to quote Spiderman, “with great power comes great responsibility.”  I hold the secret to the grace, forgivness, and salvation of Jesus Christ through his death on the cross, and therefore am responsible to tell everyone!!!!  I pray there will be some people in the places I am going with open ears and softened hearts! 
   A little bit about me… I really hope and pray that God is at the center of my life, but some things that are not at the center are… I attended my first year at Trinity International in Deerfield Illinois.  I love sports and played soccer there.  In highschool I did soccer, wrestling, track, and football.  I majored in Pre-Physical Therapy- I hope to become a Physical Therapist with maybe missions in there somewhere, but ultimately be living in God’s will.  I like music, listening and playing.  I’m pretty terrible at art…and yep thats about it.  (Yay! my first blog!)

3 responses to “My Bio”

  1. Hey bro,

    Ok, so I’ve updated a ‘smile’ picture onto my blog just for you my man!!!


  2. Caleb,
    We’re so thankful for you and your ministry. We praise Him that you said yes to the call. Your life will never be the same. We’re standing alongside you.

    In Christ,
    Mandy, Jon and boys