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Thoughts & Inspiration

I might just write about miracles instead of blogging.  They are so common these days.  It is crazy the things God does when we step out in faith.

Just to get some of the basics out of the way… it seems like our team is getting along really well.  My ministries consist of helping teach ESL (English) on Mondays in like a classroom setting and the every other day coaching soccer.  We have a 10-12age team that practices on Thursdays and Fridays, And a 15-17 age team that practices Tuesday Wednesday and Friday.  The younger team is our team that we coach and coach games on Saturdays.  The older players are on many teams with different coaches, and we are just there to train.  The coaches encourage us to help on Saturdays also.  JD and I will also be playing on a team 19-25age starting this Sat. 

Ok now for the good stuff.  This week started off a little hard for me, just missing family and stuff, but God knows how much we can handle and when we need him to pick us up.  So on Monday during a quite time I felt like through some conviction and revelation, God gave me a sermon.  I like told some people and wrote it down in my journal.  The next day at Crea (the drug rehab center), it was getting to be almost 7 and Bravo wasn’t there.  I jokingly said that I would speak if Bravo didn’t show.  Pepe was like you should ask Bravo if you can speak tonight anyway.  I told him no way, but if he didn’t show I would speak. 

As this conversation was going on I noticed one of the guys didn’t look to happy.  I knew he spoke English and I felt God telling me to go and talk to him.  In my little faith I knew the meeting was about to start so I was like ok God (he was leaning back with his hands behind his head) if he leans forward and puts his elbows on his thighs before the meeting starts I will go talk to him.  A lot like last week the instant I said that he leaned forward and put his elbows on his thighs.  So I went over and talked to him and it turned out he had been in the program for 4 months already put he slept with a women and had to start the whole program over today.  He asked me if I had ever had sex, and was really surprised when I told him that I hadn’t.  He told me I need to try it and how good it is. 

As Bravo starting teaching I felt the whole time that God was telling me to stop him and ask him if I could speak, but he is such a man of God I was like who am I to ask speak instead of him.  I was like ok God if you want me to speak I need you to make an opportunity for me.  Getting near the end of his message he ended up asking me to ask a question to the guys about what we learned today.  After I asked my question I asked him if I could say some things.  It felt powerful as I was speaking-in my next blog I will write more about what I said, but for this blog I will just say that it ended up with three people receiving Christ!  Praise God!!  Bravo was handing out shirts to people who needed them, and one guy didn’t get one so I took my shirt off and gave it to him, and I think that really impacted the guys.  As much as that blessed the guys, it really blessed me too, because I got to see some of the fruit of why were down here, and I was so excited that God chose to work through me!  Yeah God!