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I feel like this week flew by. I hardly remember it at first. I taught some English and soccer like always, but let’s get right down to business.

Off and on throughout this missions trip I have wondered what my purpose, or maybe better stated my focus should be. I basically narrowed it down to three options. 1) Personally maturing in my relationship with God. 2) Building relationships, ministering, and disciplining my teammates. 3) Serve, love, and share the gospel with the people and country of Nicaragua.

After evaluating how I have lived the past few months a noticed that without trying, I have lived them out in that order. I wondered if this was ok. I mean I’m on a mission’s trip and I’m being supported to care for the people of Granada right? So maybe I should be making them my first priority? Um… not so much. This is such a cool thing about diving deeper in my relationship with God and being taught by the Holy Spirit, because I start doing things right, and then I become conscious of my actions. As much as I love my team and the people of Granada my heart this trip has beaten the strongest for the one who sent me. I enjoy the time I spend growing with my team and the MANY relationships and powerful life changing experiences with the Nicas, but I crave the alone time I spend with my Father. So all that said many of the miracles I have experienced here have been in my heart. I hope this is not disappointing to all my faithful supporters. After all the first commandment is to love God, and the second is to love your neighbor. And the crazy thing is, when I take some time away from ministry for alone time with God, I’ve learned that I love others much better.

So anyways I didn’t (At least I haven’t SEEN the fruit, who knows what God is doing beyond my vision) have any incredible encounters with other people this week, but I have had a very deep week with God. I finished reading the book ” After God’s Own Heart” by Mike Bickle (hope I spelled that right). Easily the best book I’ve ever read, outside of the bible. The main theme is intimacy with God, which I am now convinced is the highest pursuit, most powerful offensive and defensive form of combat, and the most superior pleasure achievable. Anyways finishing that book was a powerful, powerful time. I can’t even imagine a better book. I suggest it to everyone!!!

So after all that excitement, I picked up the book “The Shack” and read it in like two days, because I could not put it down. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it, and was deeply moved. I was also excited to see my own character shine the colors of growth as I read it-in understandable terms, in the past when someone paints an even slightly different picture of God than what I have pictured in my mind I freak out and start a theological argument in my mind with the author. This picture of God was pretty wild to say the least, but I felt so at peace and open to whatever I was reading. That fact that we try to wrap our minds around an indescribable being is funny in the first place, so it was nice to throw away many of my bias thoughts on God, such as white, human, male, long hair, beard…haha oh the minds of humans! I actually started to fall in love with the picture the author paints of God!! I could see how someone would not like the book, but I loved it.

Best for last!! Nothing gets better than the bible. I was reading through John and felt like I was getting so much from God. It was like an interactive reading, with me asking questions, getting answers, and just having an amazing feeling. God is always with us, but sometimes I just feel his presence in different ways. Reading John felt great! So good, so powerful, so applicable. Yes!! OH I LOVE GOD SO MUCH!!! Even as I sit up in my bed typing this right now with everyone asleep and all the lights off, I feel him smiling with me, God I love you!!!! Aight well we gots some socca games in da monin so sweet dreams everyone!! Can’t wait to see all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry about not posting pics lately-I will try my best to post some next week.

7 responses to “Reading is Fun”

  1. Hey Cali

    I LOVE hearing Ur heart and ALL that GOD is doing IN U – so that He can do incredible things THROUGH U! Anyone can be “busy” with the things of God – be allowing God to grow Ur His Heart, his mind, His spirit and His Faith that is already in U is an incredible experience.

    I too LOVED “The Shack” – a good friend of mine in IN left me a copy of it at thier house when I was staying there – and I, the one with a reading Learning disability read it in 2 days along with another book pertaining to solitude with the Father. It does mess with Ur head – but it also touched my heart in ways I never thought it would have or could have – there are a lot of people up in arms over here about it – but if U take it as a theology book, of course U’ll get mad and frustrated .. like many did when “Hinds Feet in high places” came out years back – but if U can enjoy it like a novel – MAN, it’s an amazing gift between those pages.

    When do U come back? Know that U R prayed for daily and loved bunches!! talk soon


  2. Hey Caleb!

    It’s exciting to see what God’s doin’ in your life.

    I read the shack this semester at school too. I totally understand what you mean – Any incarnation of the Father would be wrong… But I would have been comfortable if he had chosen to describe Santa when he described God. It really helped me to understand that God is beyond our comprehension. Like Jamie said, I tried to read it as a novel rather than a theology text book… But it was so hard to bypass some of the theological implications… Oh well, eat the fruit, spit out he seeds. And there’s a lot of good fruit in that book!

  3. Caleb!!!
    I love that you are reading….and going after God’s heart! I felt the same way you did when I was in Swaziland (God, my team, the people).
    I, too, read The Shack in about 2 days while I was on my trip, great book, huh? Have you read, “Wild at Heart”? It’s a good one; you should check it out.
    I love hearing about your experiences there. I am praying for you and the rest of your time all the time (and your family that sounds so great).
    May our sweet Lord give you peace and rest in HIM today!
    Your Sister in Christ,

  4. Well, hello my son! It’s so wonderful, as always, to hear from you! I pretty much cancel life on Thurs & Sats so I can sit by the computer waiting for your latest. Miss you more than words can tell and it’s always good to hear what you are learning from God’s hand and voice. For the record, I agree your priorities are the right ones & in the right order.

    One more thing, tho’, just a little reminder that I’m a mom…and that means I miss hearing mundane details as well how soccer is going, what you did/ate for Thanksgiving, how you’re sleeping, how your teammates are doing, what you did yesterday, what ministry you were involved in this week (even if it was the same as last week & nothing earthshaking seemed to happen), what color shirt you wore 2 days ago, how you’re feeling these days, how your lizards are doing…etc. “I taught some English and soccer like always” is a good start, but just doesn’t cut it for the mom.

    Maybe you need to write 2 blogs a week??

    Miss you ~ Love you ~ Praying for you!

  5. wow it’s crazy heather and i were just talking about the shack on Friday and i almost bought it. i have been hearing so much great stuff from that book and everyone from school has said they have read it in about 2 days. haha i guess it really must be a good book. i will have to get a copy and read it over break!

  6. Isn’t it amazing when you finally hear God’s voice and know what HIS purpose is for us. HIS voice, HIM the Father God having a purpose for little ole me…wow. heh!

  7. Re: your priorities: Someone has said that the greatest gift we can give the world is our relationship with God. I thought that pretty much covered it . . .